Want More Gratitude & Happiness in Your Life? Here’s How

Dear Human,

Are you feeling a bit stressed? Unhappy? Not at your best? 

Then here's a game-changer for you: More gratitude. 

Did you know that gratitude is scientifically proven to improve your life? It's been studied extensively in positive psychology.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

According to a Forbes article by Amy Morin here are gratitude benefits:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  • Opens doors to relationships
  • Improves physical health
  • Improves psychological health
  • Enhances empathy and lowers aggression
  • Better sleep
  • Improves self esteem
  • Increases mental strength

Damnnnnnnn, that's pretty f*cking incredible right?

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Find Inner Peace By Living The Questions

With the current events and the uncertain mood of the world, some of you may be asking:

  • How can I find inner peace?
  • How do I quiet the constant inner chatter of my mind?

Other than meditation (which really does wonders), I thought about something I wrote years ago, that I want to share with you: 

I just want to live the questions. 

Rather than fret about the future, or try to find the answers for everything, I just want to relax and accept that I will never know all the answers.

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I Will Not Be Silent

I was safe in a cocoon when the metamorphosis happened. Lying on my couch, underneath the soft gray fleece blanket, I silently cried.

Rachel's soothing voice came through my earphones. "Release. Many of you here tonight are lightworkers. You have been absorbing things from the collective that are not yours. You can release."

As the gong's sound waves reached the shores of my ear drums and reverberated throughout my body I let out a silent scream.

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Want to be Empowered?

Hey humans, got something exciting to announce. I’m launching Empower Hour to empower more peeps!

Are you feeling like you need someone to guide you to find your next steps forward with a BIG ASS life or work challenge?
Then I’m your gal! And I just created something just for you. ❤️

Empower Hour = A perfect mix of professional transformational life coaching + a strategy session. ??
You’ll gain more clarity, identify roadblocks that are holding you back, and also map out the next actions to empower you to move forward.

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How to Set Better Boundaries in a Pandemic

For many of us, the days are starting to blur as our work and personal lives mesh together into a giant gray lump during this pandemic.

Suddenly we are glued to our screens now more than ever, find it hard to ignore work emails even late at night, feel guilty when we can’t spend enough quality time with our loved ones, and drown in the overwhelm of COVID-19 news. And oh yeah, exercise...what’s

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How to Say No Nicely

There are a lot of things going on in the world right now. And some of us may feel the pressure that we need to do more. More to help others, more in our careers, more in our families, more in our homes…cook more, clean more, post more, work out more, heck, even Netflix more!

A lot of different people are doing a lot of different things, but that doesn’t mean that YOU have to.…

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Announcing The Real Human Newsletter

Dear Humans,

As part of my mission to bring love and light to you in dark times, I’ve created the Real Human newsletter.
It will be a regular source of inspiration and life tips, gathered and written with love. My goal is to publish weekly. Why? Because the world is changing so quickly, and I want to help people like you find a sense of normalcy. At a time when anxiety and stress are rising weekly, I felt the calling to match my efforts to bring light to keep pace.

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100 Real Human Lessons Begins!

Dear Humans, I’m overjoyed (and admittedly nervous) to announce that for the next 100 days, I’ll be sharing #100realhumanlessons with you! 

As some of you may know, my biggest dream is to publish a memoir. I started writing it last year, but took a break because it was too painful for me then to revisit the death of my parents. At the same time, I wasn’t clear enough on my Why. 

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Support Haven – Coaching to Get Through This Together

Unprecedented times call for us humans to band together to help those in need.

That's why I'm proud to announce that two weeks ago, we launched Support Haven, a global initiative that offers free emotional support to anyone feeling challenged by COVID-19 through pro bono coaching sessions.

For those struggling and who need emotional support: Relief is on the way to you.

Together with over 100 other coaches, we are each volunteering 2 hours per week pro bono to offer emotional support to those in need, through free online coaching.

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BBC Radio Interview: Virtual Hang Outs

I was interviewed by BBC Radio yesterday to share some very quick thoughts on the rise of Virtual Hang Outs during these uncertain times.

The segment on Virtual Hang Outs starts at 14:20 and ends at 18:56 in this BBC recording. Other fellow interviewees in the segment shared how they were providing music and laughter online.

In a time of a lot of heavy news and anxiety, I'm going to continue to try to be a face and voice of light, love, and hope.

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